
  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Dunn D. et al (2024) New framework reveals gaps in US ocean biodiversity protection. One Earth. [PDF]

  • Pagenkopp Lohan K, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Ruiz GM (2024) Biodiversity differentially impacts disease dynamics across marine and terrestrial habitats. Trends in Parasitology. [PDF]

  • Rosenau N, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Everett RA, Miller AW, Minton M, Ruiz GM (2021) Considering Commercial Vessels as Potential Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Vectors. Frontiers in Marine Science.

  • Barley J, Cheng B, Sasaki M, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Hays CG, Putnam A, Sheth S, Villeneuve A, Kelly M (2021) Limited Plasticity in Thermally Tolerant Populations: Evidence for a Trade-Off. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Newcomb MSR✤, Ruiz GM, Pagenkopp Lohan K (2020) Environmental factors drive release of Perkinsus marinus from infected oysters. Parasitology. [PDF]

  • Arias M✤, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Kerwin K, Maslo B (2020) Factors Influencing Bat Occupancy of Artificial Roost Boxes. Northeastern Naturalist. 27,2.

  • Drake E, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Maslo B (2020) Systematic Review of the Roost-Site Characteristics of North American Forest Bats: Implications for Conservation. Diversity.

  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Precht WF, Peters EC, Gintert BE, Kaufman LS (2019) The Ecology, Microbial Ecology, and Histopathology of a White Band Disease Outbreak in the Threatened Staghorn Coral, Acropora cervicornis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. [PDF] SERC blogpost

  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn, SA, Aronson, FM, Vollmer SV (2017) Complex interactions between potentially pathogenic, opportunistic, and resident bacteria emerge during infection on a reef-building coral. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93, 7. [PDF]

  • Maslo B, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Fefferman N (2017) Success of Wildlife Disease Treatment Depends on Host Immune Response. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 28.

  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA and Vollmer SV (2015) Identification of Candidate Coral Pathogens on White Band Disease-Infected Staghorn Coral. [PDF]

  • Fuess L*, Eisenlord M*, Closek C*, Tracy A*, Mauntz R*, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA*, Moritsch MM*, Yoshioka R*, Burge CA, Harvell CD, Friedman CS, Hewson I, Hershberger PK, Roberts S (2015) Up In Arms: Immune and Nervous System Response to Sea Star Wasting Disease. *Authors contributed equally to this work. News Release

  • Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Marks CJ, Vollmer SV (2012) White Band Disease Transmission in the Threatened Coral, Acropora cervicornis. Scientific Reports 2: 804 [PDF]

  • Tipton M, Gignoux-Wolfsohn SA, Stonebraker P, Chernoff B (2011) Postglacial Recolonization of the Eastern Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Through the Gateway of New England. Ecology and Evolution 1, 3: 343-358

✤ GW lab member